Black Til

Black Til

तिल के बीज


  • Black Til seeds are a storehouse of energy and are very rich in vitamins E, A, B Complex and minerals viz., calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, magnesium, zinc and potassium
  • Enhances digestive health
  • Sesame seeds aid in the treatment of anaemia. Iron is abundant in sesame seeds. They help in the production of haemoglobin, hematocrit, and red blood cells in the body.
  • Til seeds are rich in lignans, compounds that have been shown to mimic estrogen, helping to regulate your menstrual cycle and reduce symptoms of PMS.
  • Til seeds are an excellent source of manganese and calcium, both of which help your bones grow healthy and strong. Calcium also plays a role in nerve signal transmission, muscle movement, blood vessel function, and hormone release,
  • The potent antioxidants present in black sesame seeds help combat free radicals, preventing oxidative stress and slowing down the ageing process.
  • Til se dil or Til – dil are the ancient Hindi proverbs in India signifying the importance of sesame for the heart.
  • Til seeds are a good source of healthy fats, protein, B vitamins, minerals, fibre, antioxidants, and other beneficial plant compounds.
  • Til seed contains extraordinary quantities of methionine, tryptophan, and amino acids with innumerable benefits.
  • Sesame seeds are called as the seed of immortality. Studies showed that lignans found in sesame seeds have remarkable antioxidant effects on the human body.
  • They trigger hair growth by nourishing the roots with their rich omega fatty acids content.


An exotic eggplant curry made with a long-sized variety of eggplant or brinjals, stir-fried with delicate aromatic Indian spices and finally topped with some roasted and crushed Millnuts sesame seeds give an excellent texture and taste to this dish. Do try delectable and appetizing dishes made with our Millnuts sesame seeds that release an addictive aroma and infuse a rich flavour into any dish that is being cooked.
Incorporate our Millnuts black sesame seeds into bread, muffins, cookies, or any other baked goods to enjoy their nutty taste !!

Til ( Sesamum indicum L.) is the oldest indigenous oilseed crop, with the longest history of cultivation in India and an important oil-yielding crop and popularly known as Sesame or gingelly. Til is also known as ellu in (Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada)
Black Sesame seeds are tiny flat oval seeds with a nutty taste and almost invisible crunch depending upon the variety of seeds they come in different colours like white, yellow, black & red. It thrives in drought-stricken areas, where other crops have failed.
Sesame seed, which dates back over 3000 years, is one of the earliest domesticated oilseed crops. It is a common component in cuisines across the world because of its rich, nutty flavour. The sesame seeds or their powder or oil are used in various Indian dishes as a flavouring agent.

Ellu Milagai podi is a perfect complement to South Indian Breakfast dishes like Idli / Dosa / Uthappam.
Our Millnuts Til seeds (Sesame Seeds) when roasted have a nice aroma and enrich the flavour of the Milagiai Podi.
Roasting black sesame seeds can enhance their flavour and be used in various recipes or ground into a powder.
You can sprinkle our Millnuts black sesame seeds on salads, stir-fries, roasted veggies, noodles, and even on your breakfast cereal or yoghurt. Ground black sesame seeds can be added to smoothies or juices for added nutrition and flavour.