Ceylon Cinnamon

Ceylon Cinnamon

Also Known as: Kundal Pattee, Surul Pattai
சிலோன் சுருள்ப் பட்டை
सीलोन दालचीनी

BENEFITS OFCeylon Cinnamon

  • Ceylon Cinnamon is loaded with powerful antioxidants that combat free radicals in the body, promoting overall health and vitality.
  • Studies suggest that Ceylon Cinnamon may help regulate blood sugar levels, making it an excellent choice for individuals mindful of their glycemic index.
  • Its natural anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation, supporting joint and cardiovascular health.
  • Ceylon Cinnamon is believed to enhance cognitive function and memory, making it an essential spice for brain health.
  • This spice aids digestion, soothing the stomach and alleviating discomfort, promoting a healthy gut.

Embrace the allure of MillNuts Ceylon Cinnamon, where nature’s finest meets irresistible flavor. Sourced from the exotic landscapes of Sri Lanka, our Ceylon Cinnamon is a testament to quality and authenticity. Carefully handpicked and expertly processed, this spice embodies the essence of pure indulgence and holistic well-being.

Often called true cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon, or soft cinnamon, this variety is native to Sri Lanka and Southern India, but is widely grown in Mexico and East Africa. It is also sometimes called soft cinnamon because of its soft texture. If you hear the term Mexican cinnamon, this is often what it refers to. “It’s more herbal and savory, not super sweet,” says Frisch.

MillNuts Ceylon Cinnamon is sourced directly from the lush cinnamon estates of Sri Lanka, renowned for producing the world’s most exquisite cinnamon. Our experts meticulously select the finest Cinnamomum verum (Ceylon cinnamon) bark, ensuring only the highest quality spice reaches your pantry. Our traditional harvesting methods and expert processing preserve the spice’s natural oils, aroma, and flavor, delivering an authentic Ceylon Cinnamon experience.

Our Ceylon Cinnamon is free from additives and preservatives, ensuring you experience the spice’s unadulterated goodness. We prioritize ethical sourcing practices, supporting local farmers and communities in Sri Lanka.