

Also Known as: Moongaphalee, Nilakadalai, Peanuts


  • Rich in essential nutrients, groundnuts are packed with protein, healthy fats, and dietary fiber, making them a nutritious addition to your diet.
  • They serve as an excellent source of energy, providing a quick and sustained boost to keep you fueled throughout the day.
  • Additionally, groundnuts are known for their heart-healthy benefits, as they contain monounsaturated fats that may help reduce the risk of heart disease.

It is commonly known as peanut, groundnut, monkey nut, goober, or earth nut because the seed develop underground, is in the division Papiolionaceae of the family Leguminosae. The peanut is only one of a few hundred species of legumes that produces flowers above ground but develops the fruit below ground. Peanuts are native to South America and were cultivated in pre-Columbian native societies of Peru as early as 3000 bc. Peanuts probably originated in the region of eastern South America, where a large number of species are found growing wild.

MillNuts Groundnuts product is a delightful fusion of rich, earthy groundnuts .Each groundnut undergoes a careful selection process, where only the finest and plumpest specimens earn the privilege of gracing your plate. These peanuts are handpicked with care, ensuring that every bite promises unparalleled freshness and richness.