White Til

White Til

Also Known as: Ellu, Gingelly, White Sesame


  • White Til seeds maybe useful in managing diabetes. It may have effect on blood glucose levels and reduce or delay the absorption of glucose in the body.
  • Sesame seeds aid in the treatment of anaemia. Iron is abundant in sesame seeds. They help in the production of haemoglobin, hematocrit, and red blood cells in the body.
  • Til seeds are rich in lignans, compounds that have been shown to mimic estrogen, helping to regulate menstrual cycle and reduce symptoms of PMS.
  • Til seeds are an excellent source of manganese and calcium, both of which help your bones grow healthy and strong. Calcium also plays a role in nerve signal transmission, muscle movement, blood vessel function, and hormone release.
  • The potent antioxidants present in til seeds help combat free radicals, preventing oxidative stress and slowing down the ageing process.
  • High Source of Cholesterol – Lowering Phytosetrols.
  • Improves Blood Pressure .
  • Helps in Balancing Hormones .
  • Boosts Nutrient Absorption

Til seed (Sesame seed) belongs to the family of Pedaliaceae, and is one of the most ancient crops and oilseeds known and used by mankind. It is also known as benniseed, gingelly, simsim, ajonjoli, sesame and til. It was a major oilseed crop in the ancient world due to its easiness of extraction, great stability, and resistance to drought. Sesame seeds are tiny flat oval seeds with a nutty taste and almost invisible crunch with two distinct types of seed are recognized, the white and the black. There are also intermediate coloured varieties varying from red to rose or from brown or grey.

Til is also known as ellu in (Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada)

Our Millnuts White Till seeds have a mild, sweet, and nutty flavor and a satisfying crunch when eaten whole.
Due to the presence of potent antioxidants, sesame seeds are known as “the seed of immortality”.

The sesame seeds or their powder or oil is used in various Indian dishes as a flavouring agent. Our Millnuts Till seeds can also be added to rice dishes in a roasted form.You can make a sesame paste by blending roasted seeds with a small amount of oil until smooth. This paste can be used as a condiment or added to sweet dishes like puddings, cakes, and ice creams.